

               “Please help me! I don’t want to go I already like it here. I’m sorry for killing I will stop.” “Son, what’d I tell you we gots to get outta here” This is probably what it’s like to be a blackfish, this topic has been debated for a long period of time, should they stay or go. Well, blackfish are very smart and vicious creatures, I believe they could be one the most vicious sea animals. These marine animals are very endangered, and SeaWorld has many of these creatures. These animals are not treated the best due to being in captivity, captivity shortens there lives by several years. What do you think about this.

One Word 2019

              2019, this year I’ve decided to really turn my life around. Last year I was really not trying at school and was being very disruptive. This year though I will change this, I want to be successful. I’ve planned on doing this by: doing my homework, studying, and listening. This change is going to take a lot of effort. Although this year my report card was phenomenal for first quarter, I want to improve and get more 4’s. This year I know and can do this with the help of my peers and my fantastic teachers.

Chicago History | Al Capone

Topic: Al Capone About: Famous American gangster from 1910’s-1940’s      Have you ever heard of Al Capone? Chances are you have because he was one of the most famous gangsters in American history. Chicago was his playground where he ran bootlegging and prostitution. Al Capone was tried for many things including: murders, prostitution, drugs, liquor, and many more things, but was found not guilty every time. Police finally aressted him for tax evasion in Florida. Prisons weren’t secure enough for this gangster, so he was sent to the most secure prison in America, Alcatraz.Before this though he was believed to send “goons” to kill rival gangs members, this was called St.Valentines Day Massacre. Even though they couldn’t prove it, they knew it.

The Worst Weekend (i think)

       How was your weekend? Mine was awful. Even though I had a five day weekend, I was sick and couldn’t leave my room. My parents also went on a one day trip for my brother because of how stellar his grades were. While I stayed home and layed in my bed while they had tons of fun at a indoor water park. As a result of being sick I couldn’t go to school the day report cards were handed out, causing me not to go anywhere that long weekend. Also I got better on Sunday, so Monday and Tuesday would have been my days. Fortunately I was able to receive it on Wednesday so hopefully I can get a vacation this weekend. Do you get anything for having good grades? How does your school give you grades? My school gives us the numbers 1-4 one being the worst and four being the best. Hopefully your weekend was better than mine. C.O Out!

Halloween Terror

     This Halloween I got so much candy I filled 5 1/2 bags. Do you celebrate Halloween? How much candy have you gotten? Do you trade with your friends? This year I got the most simple costume ever here’s what I looked like! Don’t I look cool. What’s your favorite candy or snack? Mine has to be Sour Patch. Hopefully you enjoyed your self this Halloween, and what were you?

Quarter One Reflection

     Quarter One: The scary days of the year. You’re meeting new people, teachers, strategies, and more. The reason this may be scary is because your coming out of your comfort zone and learning new ways that are different than before, for some this can be difficult because they can’t learn this new way. Personally I love learning these new ways but some of my friends hate it. Well onto me, I really hate starting another school year it’s another year of pure misery. It’s not that bad anymore though I kind of like school because I have more fun in middle school and I like I’m learning more. What are your thoughts on your first quarter.

Personal Narrative Brainstorming

Thought One: Vacationing Kalahari Thought Two: Broken Game (this one) Introduction History That Day Broken Explanation  Conclusion